Meet the Team

We're all passionate about conservation on Rotoroa Island. All ferry visitors are welcomed by an island ranger and you'll often see one of our small team out and about on the island - we're always happy to stop for a friendly chat.

Island Manager

Assistant Island Manager

Relieving Ranger

A keen outdoorsman with a background in horticulture and education, Andrew loves the way Rotoroa Island vegetation has changed so much in such a short time, providing ideal conditions for native birds to thrive and breed successfully. His favourite times on Rotoroa are when the kowhai bloom, then later when you get the chance to spot pāteke, dotterel and oyster catcher chicks, or perhaps even see a rare takahē chick.

Operations Manager

Jo is a passionate supporter of making sanctuaries predator free then letting nature do what it does best. With a background in planning and ecology, she's been involved in many pest eradication successes including Rotoroa Island. Jo never misses a chance to share special moments in conservation with those who are curious. A keen sailor,  Jo is always up for a swim at her favourite spot - Cable Bay.

Marketing Advisor

Angela's background in tourism and marketing means she is always keen to hear about visitors' experiences on the island. Working remotely, she loves any excuse to visit and can't miss an early morning walk around Southern Loop Track with a swim at Men's Bay.