
Biosecurity Dog Kosher helps out on...

Posted by Rotoroa Island Trust on May 24, 2019

Despite being predator free, Rotoroa has an annual rat invasion and biosecurity dog Kosher has...

ONFOOTNZ visits Rotoroa Island

Posted by Visitor Blogger on April 27, 2019

"The amount of life around Rotoroa is truly awesome. Fantails flew around our heads in numbers...

Takahe Release: Fyffe and Mulgrew

Posted by Rotoroa Island Trust on December 17, 2018

Takahē pair, Fyffe and Mulgrew were released at Rotoroa Island last weekend as part of a...

Seeking Volunteers

Posted by Angela Bishop on October 05, 2018

Are you keen to help us out on a regular basis?